11/07/2017 MMSD Blog Please consult the MMSD Blog to keep informed (link).  28/07/2014 A student of the Master in Sustainable Development analyzes the habits of ecological customers A student of the Master in Sustainable Development analyzes the habits of ecological customers and commitment to join forces to exploit this potential market.
 07/03/2014 Visit PSA PEUGEOT CITROËN  25/02/2014 Visit SAMPER REFEINSA GALICIA 09/02/2014 Scholarships for master studies from Iberdrola Foundation
Iberdrola Foundation provides scholarships for masters in energy and environment in Spain. The 3rd, 4th and 5th editions of the MMDS had recipients of these scholarships. Limit to apply: 3 April 2014.
 07/10/2013 Grants for college official Master The Xunta de Galicia grants for university studies leading to the award of an official master's degree in the 2013-2014 school year. More information at this link.  25/09/2013 Marta's experience V student of the MGDS, in Iberdrola Marta Cristos V student of Master in Sustainable Development Management and Iberdrola Foundation Scholar, completed his Masters in Iberdrola practices in Madrid. Meet your experience Iberdrola Blog.  09/09/2013 The work of a MMSD student Cristina Lima, a student of the Master in Sustainable Development Management completed his internship in the Atlantic Islands National Park, reflecting the outcome of the same in their work to master with which advocates implementing the marine tourism with the involvement of the guilds to benefit to the economy and environment conservation.
You can see the report in the Faro de Vigo clicking here. 20/06/2013 Scholarships for master studies 16/05/2013 Approved the calendar for registration for the 2013-2014 academic year The Graduate Studies Committee, as its meeting on April 18 and 3 May, 2013, approved the calendar for registration
for the 2013-2014 academic year. Regular tuition (graduate) the first
registration period is 28 June to 4 July. If there are remaining places will
be a second term (from 27 August to 3 September).
 23/01/2013 Scholarships for master studies from Iberdrola Foundation Iberdrola Foundation provides scholarships for masters in energy and environment in Spain. The 3rd, 4th and 5th editions of the MMDS had recipients of these scholarships. Limit to apply: 28 February 2013. More information and application form.  01/12/2012 Students of V MMSD visit Cies Islands
 03/09/2012 Erasmus placement in companies and foreign institutions The Erasmus program practices is part of the European Union Lifelong Learning Programme and enables students to stay in a European company or institution for a minimum period of three months. The scholarship is endowed with 300 monthly and is compatible with the perks of a voluntary contribution the company.To be eligible for a scholarship Erasmus program practices need to be a student of the University of Vigo (such as a MMSD), have signed a letter of acceptance by the company, not having previously enjoyed a grant from the Leonardo da Vinci or Argo and have the level of language required by the company.More information on the on the website of the ORI or email [email protected]03/09/2012 Scholarships for additional training in the field of sustainable development and environmental mana. The University of Vigo announces two additional training scholarships for students enrolled in regular courses of master or doctorate. The time commitment will be between 10 and 20 hours a week, taking into account the teaching school periods of the academic year. Application deadline: from July 12, 2102 until 14:00 pm to September 19, 2012. More information on this link.
 19/06/2012 Iberdrola Foundation committed to the students of V MGDS Two prospective students of the Master in Sustainable Development Management have just obtained a grant from the Foundation for Ibedrola Master's and postgraduate studies in Spain and the UK. Marta Cristo and Angel Sotelo were able to be among the 25 projects awarded a grant of 1200 euros per month from the 350 submitted to the Energy and Environment Program for academic year 2012-2013.
More information in Duvi and Faro de Vigo
 01/06/2012 The MMSD signing a agreement with Samper Refeinsa 16/04/2012 Open a special period of admission for foreign students for the academic year 2012-2013 From 17 April to 30 June 2012 will be open for a special period that foreign students can apply for admission to the Master in Management of Sustainable Development. More information in the Registration section  11/04/2012 The MMSD signing a new agreement with the Port of Vigo The Port Authority president, Ignacio Lopez-Chaves, and the rector of the University of Vigo, Salustiano Mato, signed this morning the new cooperation agreement that will enable students in the Masters in Sustainable Development Management practices can be made on the premises Port Authority of Vigo.  08/03/2012 Students of IV MMSD visit EMALCSA EMALCSA (Public water company of the city of Corunna) is responsible for the supply of water to the city of Corunna and also of the water supply and treatment of the council of Carral. Our students visited the plants to purify water and to treat sludge  22/02/2012 Scholarships for master studies from Iberdrola Foundation Iberdrola Foundation provides scholarships for masters in energy and environment in Spain. The 3rd and 4th editions of the MMDS had recipients of these scholarships. Limit to appy: 29 February 2012.
More information and application form.  21/02/2012 Students of IV MMSD visit PSA CITROËN The center of PSA Peugeot Citröen in Vigo collaborates, for the first time, with the MMDS. Guided by the staff of the environmental department, the students visited the most important environmentally-related locations of the center (water and solid waste facilities and incinerator).  12/01/2012 Valora Consultores continues its support to the MMSD Valora Consultores, one of the main Galician firms in the area of environmental consulting, social corporate responsibility and innovation signed for a second year an agreeement with the University of Vigo to fund the MMSD. The firm will also collaborate with teachers and facilitating stages to students.
See piece of news in the DUVI.  29/11/2011 Students of IV MMSD visit Sogama and Sotavento A group of students of the IV MXDS visited the facilities of Sogama in Cerceda (A Coruña) and the experimental wind farm Sotavento, located in Xermade (Lugo) and Monfero (A Coruña).  08/11/2011 Blas de Lezo, a firm that collaborates with the MXDS, receives a prize to the best performance in Se The legal firm specialized in Law of the Seas, Blas de Lezo, recevied the prize to the best Spanish firm in this area by the journal Legal Acquisition International. This publication, leader of the sector, recognized the work of this firm in the 2011 edition of its Legal Awards. Moreover, one of its lawyers and lecturer of the MMDS, Miquel Roca, was included amongst the best 50 lwayers in Spain by the journal Corporate internacional Magazine.
More information here.  02/11/2011 Alumnos do MXDS realizarán prácticas no centro vigués de PSA Peugeot Citröen O grupo automobilístico PSA Peugeot Citröen acaba de asinar un convenio coa Universidade de Vigo para que os alumnos do Máster en Xestión do Desenvolvemento Sostible poidan realizar prácticas de 6 meses nas instalacións da factoría gala en Vigo. Ademáis, o mestrado contará con expertos da firma automobilística para impartir diversos seminarios. Ver noticias relacionadas no DUVI e no Diario de Pontevedra 07/10/2011 Emiliano López-Atxurra opens the fourth edition of the MMSD The IV MMSD officially started on the 6th October 2010 with a lecture by Emiliano López-Atxurra, partner of EF International Strategy and independent member of the board of Gas Natural Fenosa, Petronor and BBK Bank. The lecture given by Atxurra dealt with the present and future international energy future and was followed by students of the master, professors and representatives of firms and institutions that collaborate with the MMSD. See related news in Faro de Vigo and DUVI03/10/2011 Published the final list of accepted students in the third round 19/09/2011 Published the final list of accepted students in the second round 12/09/2011 Published the provisional list of accepted students in the second round  11/08/2011 A student of the MMSD creates a plan to stop American bison in the National Park of the Atlantic Isl María García-Chico, a student from Caceres with a degree on Environmental Sciences, did her masters stage at the National Park of the and collaborated with the activities to control American bisons, a threat to several species of the islands. In her end of masters thesis she suggested the creation of a protection area in the suroundings of the islands and to establish a dialogue between public administrations, bison farmers and environmentalists to provide a solution to this problem.
See the news coverage in Faro de Vigo here. 21/07/2011 Published the final list of accepted students in the first round 14/07/2011 Published the provisional list of accepted students in the first round  07/07/2011 35 scholarships for pursuing Masters studies at any of the 3 Galician Universities Campus do Mar announces 35 scholarships for pursuing Masters studies at any of the three universities of the Galician University System (Universities of Vigo, Santiago de Compostela, and A Coruña), promoters of the Campus do Mar - Campus of International Excellence project. These scholarships are available to students of any nationality who are admitted to a Masters program at the Universities of Vigo, Santiago de Compostela or A Coruña, and whose Master's dissertation is focussed on the marine and maritime environment. More information here. 11/05/2011 Extraordinary period of admission for foreign students. Course 2011-2012 The University of Vigo opens an extraordinary period of admission for foreign students. Every master's degree can advance the admission of up to 5 foreign students. The term of application begins on 9th of May to 30th of June 2011. For more information about the requirements of access, the documentation and the process, download the document or consult the section " Registration". 03/05/2011 Approved the calendar for registration for the 2011-2012 academic year The Graduate Studies Committee, as its meeting on April 26, 2011, approved the calendar for registration for the 2011-2012 academic year. Regular tuition (graduate) the first registration period is 1 to 7 July. If there are remaining places will be a second term (from 30 August to 5 September) and a third terme (from 27 to 29 September). Enrolment in continuous training (non-graduate) is to be held from 30 August to 5 September.
 31/03/2011 Revertia begins development of its report on Carbon Footprint Revertia, in collaboration with the MMSD at the University of Vigo has initiated a scientific study with two objectives: to know the carbon footprint of the processes taking place in their facilities and to quantify the impact on CO2 emissions that the reuse of computer equipment has versus what is most chosen: recycling.
More information by clicking here.  15/03/2011 Students of III MMSD visit Sogama On 15 March 2011 the students of III Máster in Management of Sustainable Development visited the Sogama (Sociedade Galega do Medio Ambiente) falicities.  14/03/2011 Daniel Rey Seminar: Exploring the Great Burato, trace gas and climate change As part of the Lecture Series on Energy, Sustainability and Firms organized by the MMSD and by Economics for Energy, Daniel Rey ( GEOMA, Marine Geology and Environment Group, University of Vigo) gave a seminar on the scientific expedition to the Great Burato located about 250 miles off the Galician coast, to explore possible gas reserves.
 22/02/2011 Seminar by Senén Ferreiro: Business and climate change, challenges and opportunities The third of the Conferences on Energy, Sustainability and Entrepreneurship was given at the headquarters of the Fundacion Pedro Barrie. These conferences were organized by the MMSD and Energy Economics. Senen Barreiro, General Director of Valora Consultores, gave a seminar on the challenges and opportunities for companies in the face of climate changeYou can view a recording of the conference held by the UVigo Television: conference, preguntas del público y entrevista.  21/02/2011 Iberdrola Foundation Scholarship for Masters in Energy and Environment 2011-2012 Last January, Iberdrola Foundation launched the II Scholarships for Master Studies in Energy and Environment in Spain. The training areas covered are the following: renewable energy, emissions management and carbon sequestration, energy efficiency, environment and biodiversity and sustainable energy system. This call is intended to grant up to 25 scholarships for the period 2011-2012, to study a Master at Spanish universities or technology centres. This contest is for Spanish, British and American studentsclass.
The registration deadline for the 2011-2012 Scholarship call ends on 15 February. Upon review, the final list of candidates will be published on 15 June 2011.
More information on the website of the Iberdrola Foundation.  14/02/2011 Students of MMSD visit Sotavento A group of MMDS students visited the experimental wind farm Sotavento, located between the municipal areas of Xermade (Lugo) and Monfero (A Coruña).  25/01/2011 MMSD III students attend a fuel-efficient driving course On 21 January the MMSD III students participated in an eco-driving course organized by the Sotavento Galicia Foundation. On this day, a teacher gave them theory and practice in a vehicle provided by the foundation.  13/12/2010 Seminar by Anil Markandya: Economics of climate change after Cancún Anil Markandya, Director of BC3 and member of the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change), gave the second conference on Energy, Sustainability and Firms organized by the MMSD and Economics for Energy. His conference was on the Economics of Climate Change after Cancún.
 15/11/2010 Seminar by Rosa García Piñeiro: Green policies, risks and opportunities The series of conferences on Energy, Sustainability and Entrepreneurship, organized by the MMSD and Economics for Energy, in collaboration with the Fundacion Pedro Barrie de la Maza has opened. The first lecture was given by Rosa García Pineiro (Director of Sustainability at Alcoa for Europe). It focused on the risks and opportunities of green policies.
 01/10/2010 The MMSD opens its third edition with a conference by Heikki Willstedt On 1 October, the third edition of the Master in Management of Sustainable Development opened with a lecture by Heikki Willstedt, director of the Energy Policy at the Wind Energy Association. During the ceremony, the graduates of the last edition were also given their diploma. See related news in Faro de Vigo and DUVI.  02/09/2010 Valora Consultores join the Master in Management of Sustainable Development Valora Consultores has signed a collaboration agreement with the University of Vigo to finance the Master in Management of Sustainable Development. This firm is one of the leading companies in Galicia in the field of sustainability, social responsibility and innovation. It will also provide experience for the students on-the-job training stages and facilitate specialized lecturers for the master.
 01/09/2010 The work of a MMSD student proposes to limit to 18 the daily moorings in the National Park of Cies The survival of shag in the National Park of the Atlantic Islands is in danger and nautical tourism represents one of its greatest threats. A study at the University of Vigo recommends reducing the number of boats moored in the vicinity of Cíes to a maximum of eighteen. This figure is well below the hundreds of sailboats and yachts that currently dock in the area for many days in summer.The biologist Manuel Francisco Muñoz, who attended the Master in Management of Sustainable Development for the past year and completed his training in the Cies National Park, has determined the number of vessels that can anchor in its waters for a given time and their negative impact on the feeding rate of the species. The results are presented as part of his Final Paper for the Master with which he has just concluded his postgraduate studies. See related new in Faro de Vigo.  21/07/2010 Excellence choose the Master in Management of Sustainable Development Two fellows from the Iberdrola Foundation, among the 38 selected, choose the Master in Sustainable Development Management at the University of Vigo to complete their studies. These fellows are A. Ballesteros and E. Medina. A.Ballesteros is from Madrid and holds a degree in Environmental Science. E. Medina is an industrial engineer from the Canary Islands. Both of them have brilliant records and have won several academic awards. Their choice reflects the quality of the program, its specific content and its pioneering and multidisciplinary profile. The fact that Iberdrola Foundation received over 600 applications demonstrates the high quality those selected. Their resumes are described as extremely outstanding. This, no doubt, contributes to the prestige of MMDS.
 23/02/2010 Conference by Rosa M. Graña, president of Tragsa Today, Rosa María Graña, president of Tragsa, gave the third lecture of the series organized by the Master in the Management of Sustainable Development. The conference focused on public management of wastes. View report in Faro de Vigo.  25/01/2010 MMSD II students visit wind farm and Alcoa On 25 January the students visited the wind farm located in Viveiro and facilities of Alcoa in San Ciprian.  18/01/2010 Seminar by Rosa Garcia Today, Rosa García Pineiro, European head of Environment and Sustainable Development in Alcoa gave the second conference of a series organized by the MMSD. View report in Faro de Vigo.  15/12/2009 MMSD II students visit Sogama Students in the second edition of the Master in Management of Sustainable Development visited Sogama facilities.  02/10/2009 The MMDS II opens with a lecture by Professor Jose Manuel Moreno Professor José Manuel Moreno attended the opening ceremony of the second edition of the Master in Management of Sustainable Development with a conference on the "neutral" work of scientists and the need for governments to take action against climate change. Professor of Ecology and director of the Department of Environmental Sciences at the University of Castilla-La Mancha, he is responsible for the Fire Research Centre and served as coordinating lead author of the European chapter in the fourth report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change ( IPCC).
During the act, he gave the students of the first edition of the MMSD their diplomas.